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Our Wetherby shop is open
Monday – Friday: 9am to 3pm, Saturday and Sunday Closed
Closed all Bank Holidays
Dates for your 2025 diary
Established for over 30 years, we have an enviable reputation for being one of the area’s leading creative floral designers, specialising in modern and traditional floristry.
Clair has owned Nicolla Florist since January 2021, keeping the name Nicolla Florist as it is a recognisable name for over 50 years in the Wetherby area. After a makeover and re brand, we are delighted to introduce our brand new online shop.
To see a wider range of what we have to offer please call in and see us, we’d love to see you!
All our floral bouquets and arrangements are designed and made in our floristry workshop situated on the first floor of our Wetherby shop.
Shop NowPlease post and share any of your flowers that you have received from us on @nicollafloristwetherby
We would love to see photos of our happy customers!
Tag your photos with #NicollaFlorist
Follow us @nicollafloristwetherby